
Learn the art of SELF LOVE

When it was last, you sat alone, thinking about none of your responsibilities. When was the last time you sat, relaxed, closed your eyes, and concentrated on yourself? Oh! You don't remember. Well, that's because it was not somewhere in the near past. The most forgotten task, and the last priority of many, is 'SELF'. And far away is 'SELF LOVE' The tree will grow and give fruit, but it needs time to go through the process. If the atmosphere is suitable, it has sufficient water and fertilizers, it will surely give good fruits. Similarly, a person can function, carry on the responsibilities, do the daily chores, spread love, and work efficiently only when one is refilled. Now, humans need to detox as well. If not, the human is surely going to lose its character, which will lead to failure. Hence, self-love should be mandatory. From the daily schedule, one must take out some time to rebuild oneself. Meditating and going deep down to understand the real self. One sh


The most beautiful month. The one that is awaited all through the year. Indeed, it's Valentine's Day. A day where you can express yourself, especially for people who don't really communicate all through the year. This is the day. The most complicated yet amazing feeling is to be in love. But wait, nowadays, love is not alone. It comes along with ifs and buts. It comes along with a disclaimer! How will you know if the person you love is the one? How will you know if what you feel for them makes them feel the same for you? How will you know if the person is true to their words and actions? How will you know it is not a trap? How will you know your priority in their life? How will you know if they have any selfish mottos behind them? How will you know if it is love and not just lust? I don't think anyone has an answer to these questions.  When we are in love, we only think with our brains aside. We think emotionally. We think all is well. We never look at the negative side

Dream with open eyes!

If you look at the dictionary meaning of  Dreams , 'It means a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.' But according to me, Dreams are  a series of thoughts, images, and sensations to which you look with eyes wide open, in all your senses, and with the only aim of making them true. When you truly desire something, you dream of it. When you dream of it, part of your mind believes it to be true. Once you start having a feeling of contentment, your mind finds a way to your Dream.  A Dream need not be something huge. It can also be small, tiny things. You can Dream of an A+ in your tests. You can Dream of an adventurous vacation. You can Dream of a car. You can Dream of a healthy life. You can Dream of weight loss. You can Dream of a successful meeting. You can Dream of a new house. You can Dream of self-importance. You can Dream of a salary hike. You can Dream of a lovely marriage. You can Dream of a cute little kid. You can Dream

Find Your Reason to Wake Up in The Morning

I have heard a lot of times from different people that they can't wake up in the morning. It is difficult for them to go to sleep early, so mornings are an issue. There is something going on in their minds that does not let them sleep, so mornings are difficult. There are a number of tabs open at the same point. Shutting down one doesn't help. Why? Can we solve this? Also, there are people who wake up in the mornings at a fixed time, but only because of their responsibilities and their daily routine. Not because they want to. Where do you get this love for mornings? Yes, we can get it. I have been in this same scenario for a very long time. I tried many ways, but all in vain. One fine day, I found a solution. Something changed my life, and I was awestruck. Let me share the idea with you all. I will be glad if it works for you all as well. Mornings are a signal from God that today is yours. You are alive. You have one more chance to conquer, to aim, to feel, to love, and to live

Your Shade - The Comfort Place

In times of our busy schedule, we keep looking for things like good food, a good place to hang out, a good job etc. But what is more important to find, is  A Shade . A place to relax, a place to burry yourself, a place where you can get angry, a place to be immensely happy, a place where you can show your regret, a place where you celebrate profusely, a place where you cry, a place where you express, a place where you are you. A place where you can be your own self. A place where you need not put up your mask. A place called your comfort -  'A Shade'. Shade is not a place. It is that person in your life, who is a good listener. A good motivator. An inspiration. Your gist. Your doctor, your counselor. Your entertainer. Your push. You pull. Your teddy bear. Your smile. You sunshine. Your moonlight. Your happy pill. Your bitter gourd. Your delusion alarm. Your reason to wake up another day. In short - 'Your Jaddu Ki Jappi' You may find your shade, your shelter, your cover

Oxygen for Life - Friends

'Friends' , the most beautiful yet intricate relationship to understand and maintain What is the role of a friend in your life? What is your role? Are you a good friend? My questions are going to confuse you. Let's solve your confusion. Happy Friendships Day wishes are viral  all around. I am sure everyone today is very excited and happy. You all must have special plans for lunch or dinner with your friends. All the restaurants are going to make a huge profit today. All of social media is overflowing with messages, status updates, and stories. Gifts and bouquets, chocolates and cake, special surprises, and whatnot. Wow! What a celebration! Is this all worth it? Yes, it surely is. This is a day to express our emotions with our friends and celebrate the bond in infinitely different ways. I believe this celebration is a must, but only if you are eligible for it. Apart from the celebrations and parties, are you genuinely available for your friend in need? Are you there when yo

Key Pointers for My Dear Artists

All of us I believe have a soft corner for Artists. Today I am not talking about any dancer or painter or a musician or a cook. But someone, who is a mixture of all such Artists. Someone who learn many many arts throughout their life in creating beautiful souls.  The most beautiful and selfless role playing Artists.  To me, they are ' PARENTS' .  We have heard a lot about what they do. How they make a difference. Their greatness. But, what about the difficulties they face? What about the confusions they have? What about their failures at times? What about the overwhelmed emotions with which they burst out? What about the ever growing generation gap they deal with?  For all my dear Artists, here are a few key points to have a better, happy and a smooth ride. Implement these in your life, and get perfectly poised. No guys, these are not from me. I just got inspired by a Guru and here is what he has to say with some of my thoughts as an extra masala. 1. Personal Attention What we