I am busy
Learning of 2025 - Part 1 'Time is precious.' We learned this when we were kids. But what about timing? Timing, oh! That's important. You cannot play with it; if done so, things can be ruined. Let me ask a few questions. If a kid is hungry today, when will you feed him? Today right now or tomorrow? If a person has just had an accident, when will he be treated? Today or later? If to reach a destination on time, you have only one train, what will you do? Take that train anyhow or miss it? Here, you all have the right answers. You will feed the child as soon as possible, the person will be treated immediately, and the train will be boarded on time. Now, let us look into some amazing situations. If your friend needs your guidance over a difficult situation, when will you meet and discuss it with him? When he needs it or when you have time? If your sibling wants to vent over some frustration that is bothering him, when will you be available? When you free, or just immediately? I...