Dream with open eyes!

If you look at the dictionary meaning of Dreams, 'It means a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.'

But according to me, Dreams are a series of thoughts, images, and sensations to which you look with eyes wide open, in all your senses, and with the only aim of making them true.

When you truly desire something, you dream of it. When you dream of it, part of your mind believes it to be true. Once you start having a feeling of contentment, your mind finds a way to your Dream. 

A Dream need not be something huge. It can also be small, tiny things. You can Dream of an A+ in your tests. You can Dream of an adventurous vacation. You can Dream of a car. You can Dream of a healthy life. You can Dream of weight loss. You can Dream of a successful meeting. You can Dream of a new house. You can Dream of self-importance. You can Dream of a salary hike. You can Dream of a lovely marriage. You can Dream of a cute little kid. You can Dream of a special person in your life. You can Dream of a happy, peaceful life with your loved one. You can Dream of getting surprises. You can Dream of a bond, a connection. You can Dream of something that is difficult to come true.

In short, Dreams are nothing but short-term goals in life. But when you call it a Dream, it's a next-level emotion. It's an epitome of your desires. So from now on, Dream. Because Dreams come true. Dreams are imperative.

Not only Dream, but with your open eyes, visualize it, make changes in your visualizations, and finalize it in your subconscious mind. You are unaware of it, but you are giving signals to the universe. The universe itself helps you fulfill your Dreams.

Dream a lot, because you can achieve a lot. Someone rightly said, 'You should always dream. You never know when it will have a spark and your Dreams will light up and come true'.

Believe me, it matters. Life will change for the better. Try it out for yourself. People will admire your chutzpah. You will get pally with Dreams, and I will be waiting for your feedback.

Dedicated to the person who motivated me to DREAM! 

Forum Shah


  1. Super as always

  2. Sapne nind me are hai phir nind ane nahi detective

  3. Dete not detective

  4. Very well written πŸ‘Œ We often forget how important dreams are, a lovely reminder to never stop manifesting πŸ‘

  5. 🀌🏻🀌🏻too goood

  6. Well said πŸ™ŒπŸ‘Œ

  7. Superb πŸ‘

  8. Yes, Dreams always come true sooner or later. The person who motivated u must be like a JIN in your life.


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