Key Pointers for My Dear Artists

All of us I believe have a soft corner for Artists. Today I am not talking about any dancer or painter or a musician or a cook. But someone, who is a mixture of all such Artists. Someone who learn many many arts throughout their life in creating beautiful souls. The most beautiful and selfless role playing Artists. To me, they are 'PARENTS'

We have heard a lot about what they do. How they make a difference. Their greatness. But, what about the difficulties they face? What about the confusions they have? What about their failures at times? What about the overwhelmed emotions with which they burst out? What about the ever growing generation gap they deal with? 

For all my dear Artists, here are a few key points to have a better, happy and a smooth ride. Implement these in your life, and get perfectly poised. No guys, these are not from me. I just got inspired by a Guru and here is what he has to say with some of my thoughts as an extra masala.

1. Personal Attention
What we as a person look forward is some attention, importance. Similarly, kids love attention too, specially when it comes from Parents. Try once to cancel your program and sit with your kid. Play, listen to their stories, tell them yours. Get pally with your kids. Your personal attention is surely going to glint on your kids face.

2. Appreciation
More marks or less marks. Good or bad grades, you should always find ways to appreciate your child. Small little appreciations act as an accelerator in their progress. And not only for their academics but even in 
daily routine activities, you can find ways of appreciation.

3. Respect
Yes, not only elders should get respect from their kids, but even elders should respect their kids. Scolding them, often yelling out at them, is only harming your relation. Try to be polite. Be good in your words. That's how you respect your kids.

4. Environment
Lotus can't grow in desserts. But Cactus can grow. What you give in your surroundings matter a lot. They absorb a lot from it. May it be good or bad. They do not understand the difference between absorb and reflect till a particular age. So its our responsibility to pass on, only which needs to be absorbed.

5. No Negativity
Unknowingly or knowingly we tend to use negative words. It is atrocious, avoid it. Instead of saying, 'You will not be able to do it'. We should actually say, 'Try your best, you can do it. We are with you.'

6. Time
In our busy life, where we decide to give our children the best of all, the most important thing is to have a good bank balance, so that we can give them the best education, food, living etc. But running behind it, we tend to forget the crucial giving - Time. So instead of just running behind the materialistic happiness, take out Time. Time is precious. Time is prime.

These key pointers put all together summarizes
P : Personal Attention 
A : Appreciation
R : Respect
E : Environment
N : No Negativity 
T : Time 

I am sure you all can relate yourself. Take these pointers as a medium to improve your relations with your kids, take a step forward and go beyond your perception.

Inspiration : P. P. Acharya Muktivallabvijayji Maharaj Saheeb 

Forum Shah


  1. Amazing😍👍👍👍👍

    1. Nicely articulated … Impressed ❤️

  2. Very nice ... superb 👍👌

  3. Very nice 👍

  4. Amazing 👌

  5. Superb 👌👌

  6. Perfect meaning of PARENT

  7. Very true madam Super Say B Upper

  8. Very nice true

  9. The defination of parents is really true...nice .. 👍

  10. Very nice

  11. Asking myself....Good in thinking but do we follow ?

  12. Its good1.. Really makes sense...

  13. Shaishavi Shah17 July 2023 at 00:18

    Perfectly right points, it simply gives us all positive energy to move ahead with out family with kids👍🙏

  14. A perfect example of parenting and being a kid ... I can't express my words about this..Am glad I have got trained under the best parentinghood.

  15. Very nice and very True
    Keep it up

  16. Parenting is now a days a challenging job.. Good guidelines for new parents.. on the other it's individual too... but certainly very helpful for over busy & career oriented parents.. lotus & cactus best example.. keep it up

  17. So beautifully articulated! Extremely true what you mentioned about parenting, challenging yet one of the greatest gifts.

  18. Thank you so much everyone for the lovely response. Keep reading.


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