Do Pause. But never Stop!

Did you guys actually thought that I stopped writing? Oh! No No, that's not happening for sure. So here I am, with something interesting. Writing after months, but today my mind is speeding to the high point. So much to write, so much to tell, so much to convey. And more importantly, to connect back with my loved ones.

I know everyone of us at some point in life, could not do their own wished things. Came in a situation where you would have taken a break from your loved activities. Your responsibilities drove you away from your hobbies. You smiled at it and said a good bye.

Now is the time, to say 'Hi' once again. It is never late to start again. How can you forget your passion? How can you forget how happy you were doing those small little things for your soul? 'Rewind' Think of those likings which brought a smile to your face.

Pick up the paint brush, and put your emotions on the canvas. Grab your favourite book and just get completely involved in those magical words. The weather is pleasant enough, to hear the mesmerising songs and reach trance. Wear the chef apron and pamper your taste buds. Step out of the house and go for the long awaited adventure. Let your feet loose control and grace your body to dance. Pen down your thoughts and feel free like a bird. Do what makes you feel happy!

Now is the time to take out time for your hobby, your passion. It maybe years back you left. But, this is the perfect time to start again. Slide the haze from your sight. Take a deep breathe, close your eyes and think of the most loving part of your life, which you left behind. Go back to it. Get back the glow on your face, which came only from inner happiness. Find solace in your life.

Now is the time to restart. Now is the time to be happy. Now is the time to live for yourself. Now is the time to regain the confidence. Now is the time to Never Stop. Remember, the sun reminds us, "Today is another chance"Go for it friends. The aisle is ready for you to walk. 

Do let me know what was that one thing which you left behind, but started again.

By, Forum Shah


  1. Perfect as always
    Yes we have to start again

  2. Very inspiring! Well writtenπŸ‘πŸ‘

  3. The path always seems interesting and that relates the life of a young chick !! So inspiring... Just Loved it !! ❤️❤️

    1. Yes.. you should always be young at heart

  4. Kaise kar lete ho yaar ...
    Like seriously so nicely written.... Just to the point....

    1. My lovely audience inspires me

    2. Goodone. Yes one should follpw their passion. Ulka

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Very impressive πŸ‘. This my first blog I have ever read . By reading this I got a break from my studies and relaxed at the same time. Thank you for sharing thisπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    2. Good to know you have started reading my blog. Thanks

  6. Loved every word u wrote, so beautiful, so deep

  7. Superb πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ... Very well written..


  8. All of us aspire to achieve our liking either on personnel or professional dreams and goals. We strive our best to get there. We may partly or wholly be successful but we try our best. We desire for all the material things in the world and fantasise to get them. We may again get all we dream of or at least most of them in our life.

    If I say your first innings as the “Era of gratification”, I would wish your second innings should be an ” Era of gratitude”. It is time to be happy inside you.
    - Sangam Shah

    1. You are completely right.. What you said is deep and thoroughly true

  9. V niceπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ


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