Health is Wealth. A well-known saying we all have heard and at some point we do believe it. 

When it comes to being healthy we focus on eating proper nutritious food, avoiding junk food, including yoga and exercise or walk in your daily routine, maintaining a appropriate sleep cycle etc.

But.... What about 'MENTAL HEALTH'. Why do people never talk about it ? Why is it difficult for a mentally ill person to seek help ? Why is not as normal as just having fever ? Why do one have to struggle in silence ? It is uncanny how the society reacts on Mental Health Issues.

I feel everyone has once in a while come across situations which bother them, make them mentally weak. A few words hurt brutally and tear apart their heart. It keeps rotating in their mind. Body shamming can snatch away ones confidence. Lower grades can question their own talent. Long fights in family can ruin a child's thinking and growth. To envy others luxury can lead to dissatisfaction. A breakup can keep a Life on hold. 

All such situations can lead to hating life, loose trust, create anxiety, increased anger and bad mood swings, loosing our thinking power which would finally lead to depression. It is not easy to come out of it. But, let me tell you all one thing, 'You are not Alone'. There are many who face this.

The idea to a great Mental health is to Talk, Love, Take Inspiration, Accept. Talk to friends, family anyone with whom you feel comfortable. One can profusely spread LOVE but not with an expectation in return. Take inspiration from all around. Acceptance is the biggest key. Lastly Stop thinking about what others think. 

And a super solid mantra for you all 'It is Okay' It is Okay to feel bad. It is Okay to fail. It is Okay to live the way you want. It is Okay to cry. It is Okay to breakdown. But, It is NOT OKAY to not come out of it.

So folks, I was pondering about this since a long long time and I have come to a conclusion. Health is Wealth only and only if Physical and Mental health both are outstanding. 

Do spread this awareness. Share as much as possible. Somewhere someone needs this.

By Forum Shah

Do let me have your feedback


  1. A true inspirational blog which is needed for many especially in this lockdown...

  2. Very well said . Our society needs awareness.

  3. Thought provoking. Very true in current situation of negativity

  4. πŸ’―πŸ™ŒπŸ‘awesome kaki

  5. Yes its right , it's sensible blog. To be positive always which will keep a person mentally and physically healthy.But to do that you must have two strong formulae with you, that are , Self Confidence and hope.
    Keep it up.I always enjoy your blogs.

  6. Replies
    1. Gone throgh your blog. Fantastic. The words from real person who implements whatever she is. I always like to read blog from u who is not artificial in everything.


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