Is the Good In You ALIVE ???

Let me start this blog with some praiseworthy incidences I am looking around. In this span of three months of lock down where life has turned upside down there are some events around which made me feel that people around me are good. They have a heart. A heart that feels, A heart that melts, A heart that cares.

A neighbor of mine cooks a little extra food daily for a poor lady sitting down a over bridge which is actually her place to stay. She feeds her twice daily.

One of friend called up all the friends just to chit chat and assured all possible help if at all we are in some unavoidable situations.

Another friend who owns 2 shops did not take the rent for 3 months and also gave time liberation to pay the rent for next months.

One of my relative paid the medicine expense of his office boy who was suffering from COVID and helped him come out of this insane period.

Now on the other hand I do see many other well off people who have been an opposite example. I have seen them getting behind their tenants for rent. I have seen people not giving salary to their maids. I have seen people who have thrown out their employees. I have seen big companies who are working full time fully loaded but have cutoff their employees salary.

Yes I do understand at times there are genuine reasons. But not always. COVID and lock down has just been a reason to hares people. Is the Good in you alive ??? Do ask yourself this question.

God has been fortunate to lend each and everyone something which can be helpful to the other. Not necessarily that your help should get public on social media. Not necessarily that your name should be put up on banners. Not necessarily that someone should even know that you helped. 

Help just because God choose you to do good to others. The negative effect of lock down is spreading badly. Do not let it hamper your heart. Do not become a devil. Be an angel. 

Start caring for each other in times so low. Specially your friends, relatives and known people. Be an inspiration. Give a reason to someone to live happily. 

Your Push or Pull may change someones life.


By Forum Shah

Do let me have your feedback


  1. Very deeply explained mami 👍👍

  2. Very true and thank you so much for bringing this up via your blog. I hope whoever is reading this blog has helped someone in need or will help in near future after realizing that one little step can change someone's life. It's not necessary you help someone monetarily, but just as the Anty helped the poor feed twice daily or the owners letting the tenants take some time to pay the rent, etc, etc.

  3. I m so glad to got a chance to read this. I would share my feeling on this. Actually what you have written are all very simple example n I think I know all what u have wrote but the boost in you generate when u read something what u know. Know but never feeled it, know but never think on it, know but never act on it n now as I read this is help to put in action.... Thank u n keep it up. Do such good blogs.... All the best..
    I Never said to any one (Stay Home Stay Safe) Instead of that I say (Stay Fit Stay Healthy)
    I Think You Will Know The Difference

  4. Nicely explained Foram 👍👍
    Simple & Crisp 👌👌

  5. To the point nicely discribed situations. We Just pray for the people who thrown out employees and deducted their salary . Bhagwan unko sanmati de

  6. thanks a lot for the reminder to just take out time to be kind :)

  7. awwee superb Forum as usual.

    simple.n sweet blog of Kindness

  8. Very nice blog mami . Such an inspiration to the society . We are capable for helping Poor's so we should help them rather to make them feel bad . Such a nice blog Mami

  9. Very true beta. If there are good people around, we must always praise them. There are people who try their best to fight the pandemic. Just other day I saw a guy who used to sell flowers, garlands etc. on the footpath along with wife. But was compelled toclose his business. But didn't loose hope and was seen happily working in a shop behind where he used to sit. It is said humanity still lives in mankind.


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