Whats in your Heart ?

Have you ever felt something in your throat, feeling like as if you just got choked up. With a lot difficulty you are gulping down something. Oh ! I am not talking about food or water. Do you feel choked when you really want to say something but you don't or I should say you can't. You all have that one picture in mind right now about when you wanted to speak up but you did not.

My only question to you is Why ? Thinking about the after effects which may hurt someone or say ruin a situation ? What about the hurricane which passed through you and destroyed your mind and your heart. Was it worth keeping quiet ? Think about it. Yes I agree that at times it is better to keep silence rather than speaking up. But many a times it is better to talk your heart out.

A child does not tell his parents about his fight at school. A small little girl is afraid to tell her elders about a guy who is following her everyday. A student feels insulted about telling his teacher in front of the whole class that he did not understand the theory. An employee does not have the freedom to tell his boss about the clients mistake. An old mother is scared of losing his son, so she accepts her daughter-in-laws mistakes. A daughter-in-law is frightened to be sent back to his father place, so she entertains all the tantrums from the family. A friend does not want to increase the matter so he does not show his friend, his mistake. A girl accepts what comes in her way, just to see her love happy. A boy does not discontinue the relation, to see a smile on his friends face inspite of the fact that he does not love her. 

In all such cases if the person would have spoken up, things would go better. Not initially but surely. The parents would have talked about the fight. The little girl would have been protected. The student would have solved his query. The employee would have been attending better clients. The mother would have got his son and daughter-in-law both. The daughter-in-law would have stayed with her self respect and love. The friendship would have strengthened. The girl would have been herself happy. The boy would have been free and the girl would not keep expectations.

We all in some or the other way make fake promises because we are afraid of saying the truth. The problem is we do not speak. I would say speak it up. You like it. You don't. You want it. You don't. Each an every problem can be solved if one agrees to speak up what is in the heart and the mind.

If we do not speak now, may be we will loose the chance to tell a person how much we love them. How much they mean to us. 

Today itself. Call your parents, your kids, your spouse, your friends, your love, your guardian anyone you love. Tell them what you feel. Bad or Good. Tell them. If not anything the storm in your mind will surely settle down.

Do leave your comments and let me know if you like it or no.

By : Forum Shah


  1. Loved it..

    Dont know coz it was actually nicely written
    Or coz i was feeling itt just right now..

    Was amazing i believe in it..

    V all miss it sayg will say it next tym will inform it later what v feel...

    Till that its alresdy late..

    This was d best write up..coz it actually connects to every1 frm 3 yr kid to a 70yr senior citizen

    Keep it up

  2. Proud to be your follower
    So relatable and so precisely written
    Love u 😘😘😘

  3. Good to see you back. You came with a bang. Keep Going.👍

  4. Proud 2 be your follower
    Very nicely written

  5. Wonderful...
    It's like everyone's experience and your words... Really meaningful..
    But not possible to speak out every time because of the FEAR of loosing the loved one ...


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