
The dictionary meaning of Expectation is A strong belief that something will happen. Also, I would like to mention a couple of famous sayings. 'Sometimes we create our own heartbreaks through expectations'. 'Don't blame people for disappointing you, blame yourself for expecting too much'. And apart from the meaning and the saying, there are some people, actually almost everyone who advice very strongly 'Don't expect'. But I don't completely agree with it.

A small kid who cannot even speak, looks at his mother expecting that his mom would feed him. A kid who has just started walking expects his father to hold him if he falls. So here the expectation is nothing else but the Trust which is been in built in humans by God himself. Further growing up, expectations take different shape. A naughty brother who was been scolded in the school expects his elder sister to not go home and complain. A younger sister expects her elder brother to save her from all evil. A teacher expects the intelligent student to score good marks. A student who scores good marks expects his family to praise him. A wife expects his husband to secure her financially. A husband expects his wife to take care of him and his family. Parents expect their children to look after them in their old age. A friend expects that her bestie would share all her joys and sorrows. A girlfriend expects that she gets all the time, love and care from his boyfriend. There are many more examples which you must have thought of. 

So here do you really think the expectations are wrong ? Expectations not from any strangers but from family and friends. From our loved ones. 

We tend to get hurt when expectations are not fulfilled. So are we the culprit who expect or the ones who do not fulfill their loved ones expectations ?

I guess both. So the middle way is We should know the person. Experiencing the time with them. Knowing them well. Then decide as to how much to expect and from whom to expect. But at the same time. It is also the responsibility of the opposite person to not let them down.

I feel in a relation we do give signs of the limit to expect. We should be clear with it. If we give them the hope to expect they would. If you are giving hope prove their expectations right. And if not intending to fulfill the expectations don't give them any hope. You would never know how badly you pull a person down. How harsh the results are. 

Somehow, somewhere, intentionally or unintentionally we hurt our loved ones. If we stop expecting from our loved ones the relation will just be like a statue without heart.

A little bitter but True. Do Think about it. And let me have your feedback.

By : Forum Shah


  1. 'Don't blame people for disappointing you, blame yourself for expecting too much'. .... This means a lot... Really

  2. Truely said sister... You said whom to expect how much to expect with the limitation.. by knowing that person.. but at the same point confuse with the HOPE... A person who fulfill the expectation intentionally or unintentionally he or she never knew that at that time another person staring hope for any particular thing... So there should be a limiation of HOPE also.

    So hoping to see the blog on HOPE too...

    1. Yes definitely.. Will surely try to write on Hope 😊

  3. Forum, u r really amazing
    U express ur views so nicely.
    Blame yourself for expecting too much, that is very true.
    Keep it up 👍

  4. So nicely explained the fact of life....

  5. Don't expect more from anyone. And if your expectations are not fulfilled than don't be sad.
    That's true👍

  6. Truee points!😇


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