A Helping Hand

The two words 'Helping Hands' automatically gives you a sigh of relief.. It is very easy to accept the help but at the same time difficult to lend one.
In our daily schedule, in our Life, we all have become so busy with it that we don't see anyone around us. Someone who is in some difficulty, Someone who is short of time, Someone who is low with some issues, Someone who is in tremendous financial pressure, Someone who has lost all hopes from life. In short we all have been living a selfish life. We just think of our own benefits, comforts and motive of Life. So how to go about it. Its high time that we realise that Life is all about Give and Take.

Lets start with some small helps taking a few examples into consideration.
  • Kids can get up a little early, say just 15 mins and help mom in the kitchen.
  • The elder sibling can just take 15 mins time to see how the younger sibling is doing with studies
  • Mother in laws can just do some pre preparations in the kitchen so it gets easy for her daughter in law to come back home and cook after work, 15 mins will help.
  • Kids can help their father with some letter drafting or any computer work where he is stuck. Again just 15 mins.
  • Husband can help their wife with say household shopping. 15 mins are more than enough to get something from the market.
  • Wife can help their husband with some pending office work. I am sure all are smart enough to handle it. Again there, 15 mins.
  • Kids can sit next to their grandparents and read some book or just chit chat. 15 mins will surely bring a smile on their face.
There are n number of things which can be done in just 15 mins. Here you go, you have proved a helping hand to someone. This someone is no one else but your own dear and near ones.

Now coming to some huge helping. Here 15 mins won’t work. But your helping hand will give a new life to the person.
  • Your friend is without a job. You can try finding him one. Surfing some sites, social media or just talking to other friends and helping him out
  • Your cousin just had a breakup. Sit next to him. Talk about it. Help him get out of it.
  • Mom, Aunty anyone who is not keeping good on health. Not able to decide on the way of treatment. Consult 2-3 doctors. Surf online. Take some suggestions from Family. Get to a solution.
  • A friend started with a new start-up. You can give him orders. Don’t ask for discount. But proudly recommend him to new people.
  • Your friend, your cousin, is in need of money for a startup, or say growing up a business or say setting up the business again after a loss. You have it. But you think if to give or not. Don’t think, he is your friend, your cousin. Help him stand up straight.
If everyone decides to help in the circle itself, no one will be in difficulty and I can clearly visulaise it. Life seems to be beautiful if you prove a Helping Hand. Do not kill the emotions in you. It is nice to be Practical but at the same time keep the Good in you Alive.

By : Forum Shah


  1. Lovely Thought.... Keep it up

  2. Good thoughts...inspiring...article.!

  3. True... Need to implement... It will change world.



  5. Too good darling 👏👏👏

  6. Superb.. Forum very well put up....

  7. 15 minutes and the clock tik-tok starts the very moment the person has read this!
    An unsual idea by my Forum mami sure to be imbibed by many people in their routines.
    Keep going loved it! 😊😇

  8. What a beautiful thought! Truly inspired.

  9. Supurb thought. Let's start implementing.

  10. V nice thought.
    Will try to become helping hand.

  11. Awe inspiring... !!!

    Truly worth trying & I guess it will surely bring a difference in everyone's life & the best motto behind this is in today's generation where the entire world is hooked up on mobile phones & face book..

    this would help us stay connected heart to heart!!!


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