YOU in Someones LIFE

LIFE, the most difficult subject to explain yet very interesting and if handled bravely the easiest and craziest. Yes lets talk about it. Lets make it simple, fun loving and lets talk about the Key To A Good Life

Lets consider a Train. A train which everyone can see. But can we relate the train to our Life ? Lets try doing that. The Engine is Our Heart. The coaches are the stages of Life, the responsibilities, the duty. The tracks are the path on which we walk, the focus, the road to our journey to success, journey to happiness. The Vision is ours. The confidence to walk is in our hand. To reach the destination is in our mind. But the most important part I would say is the fuel with which the engine works & the wheels with which all the tasks are performed.

The Fuel in the engine is nothing but the Trust, Love, Faith, Motivation, Respect what we get from our loved ones, our family and friends. 

The Wheels are that important, special and privileged people in our life who are given the important task to support, hold, move along, be together. 

You are a Wheel in at least one persons life. Its an important job. The coaches are balanced because of a wheel. The Train moves because of the wheels. The Train can complete its journey only if the wheel does a good job.

Recollect. Rewind and get to know your importance in a persons life. You are a Wheel. Do a great Job. Help your loved ones LIVE its journey with love and happiness and not just complete the journey. Be a Support. Be a good listener. Be a good speaker. Be gentle. Be kind. Be aggressive when required. Be a guru. Be a friend. Be a guardian. Be there to console. Be there to cheer. Be there to hug. Be there to wipe out the tears. Be there to celebrate. Be there to communicate. Be there to encourage. Be there to Love. Be There. Just Be There. 

Its great to be Special in Someones Life. 💓 If you know you are Special, Be Like It. Don't prove the other person wrong. You may not realize it but the Train could derail even if one wheel is not in place.

Happy Journey To All My Loved Ones, with your Loved Ones... I mean with the Wheels and Fuel 😉

By: Forum Shah


  1. Yes I will try my best to be a good Wheel of my LIFE...

  2. You really are my hero. You inspire me alot

  3. Fact of life
    Very well explained didi

  4. Wow nice deep thinking of life

  5. life is a wonderful thoughts
    may be very good efforts.

  6. Impressive one!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "These wheels will never get rusted
    The bonding will always get coated
    Love that fuels the engine life
    And the trust will prevent it from derail."

    Nice one mami😊


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