Never Give Up

We all must have faced a situation where we thought, 'Its All Over', 'It Wont Happen', 'There Is No Hope'. But than, did anything like that happen ? Think about it. In majority cases there was a way out.

So lets talk about a few such situations. During exams due to some reason you could not complete your syllabus and you went to the examination hall with a fear that you would fail. In a competition at a big level, you saw a friend of yours who you think was better than you. You cooked continental food for the first time and you thought your dad wont like it because he likes traditional food. You wanted to approach a new client but your boss did not allow you as someone else was gonna approach him. You were short of cash and you had an EMI to pay. You thought you wont be able to catch your flight on time as you had lots of work to complete before that. You had a deadly disease and doctors said chances are less. I am very sure you all can relate your own situations by now.

So in the above situations lets see what good could happen. The paper was a little easy than thought of and you could answer half of the questions correctly. The friend you saw at a competition was actually participating in some other event. Dad had the dish because you made it and he actually liked it. Your boss supported you in some other way and gave you some other potential client. You luckily earned some money in share market and you could pay your EMI. You missed your flight but you soon realised the client whom you were gonna go and meet was unavailable. Your will power was strong and you managed to beat up the disease. Yes, not all the time it is that something good will happen.

The hope we keep will keep us going. A step backward does not always mean you will fail. In a game of chess you move ahead or backwards but its the game. Similarly its Life. Keep your spirit high. Believe in yourself. The confidence you carry and the attitude you have will definitely help you succeed. The positive vibes will help you think of more and more opportunities. So keep going and grab all what comes your way.

Do let me have your feedback

By : Forum Shah


  1. There is always substitute or alternative. So never give up.

  2. Well said in Gujarati that " જે થાય તે સારા માટે ".Belive in your self.

  3. Everything you write is just so perfect.

  4. Never give up👏


  5. Very true. Never give up in any situation 👍

  6. Most of the time.. negative thinking comes first in our mind. But we must overcome that. & be positive & NEVER GIVE UP......


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