Attitude - A Lifetime Asset

I have seen so many people who fall in love. People who like someone. I have even seen people who are crazy about a particular person. 

So for what is this love, liking, craziness. If you ask a guy who has just fallen for someone, the reply you get is 'She is beautiful'. If you ask a girl who likes a guy in her college, the answer you get is 'He is Handsome'. The craziness for a particular person is because he or she is socially popular for photos and selfies with best outfits.

I feel to look good is very easy when it comes to now a days times when there are a bunch of excellent salons, parlours and designer boutique in town. May it be a boy or a girl, you enter the salon and you can get a completely different look. A new trendy hair cut with cool hair colours. Your straight hair can be curled and your curled hair can be straightened. With assurance you can get a fair complexion. With makeup it can be groomed. You ask for something and its done. You pay good and you come out best. You enter a boutique and get pampered with the latest colour which suits you.

The thing which cannot be bought is Attitude. You need to have your own. It cannot be bought from a store. It has to be planted inside you. It has to grow time to time with different seasons. 

An attitude with a goal, which does wake you up early. An attitude to learn new things, which makes you read and explore more and more. An attitude to be fit, which helps you exercise and eat healthy food. An attitude to maintain relations, which teaches you to speak politely and with affection. An attitude to help someone, which makes you kind. An attitude of Faith, which makes you believe in God. An attitude to enjoy life, which makes you down to earth. An attitude to value your family, which helps you take out time for them. An attitude for bright future, which helps you plan and save. And finally an attitude to keep improving yourself, which helps you except your own mistakes and rectify it.

I feel the love, the liking and the craziness for someone should be looking at his/ her Attitude and not looks. Looks may fade but not the attitude. Good looks and Beauty is definitely a cherry on top. But look for the inner beauty of a person and not the Branded Clothes, Shoes, Hair colour, Lipstick colour or Nail colour.

I hope you like my blog. Do let me have your feedback on the blog itself.

By :  Forum Shah


  1. Right .fourm I agree with your every sentence.

  2. Very well said...

  3. Nice one . Loved reading ur 'an attitude with a goal paragraph'

  4. Absolutely right foram
    Liked your writing v much
    Attitude is most beauty of a person...

  5. Absolutely right
    Liked your paragraph
    Attitude most important

  6. This is so true. You're an inspiration to me and I hope to many of them around you.

  7. Yess absolutely... M agree with you

  8. Really Very Nice , keep it up

  9. Good one.. completely agree with u..keep it up.

  10. am proud to have a mami like you
    i have just started writing a blog so i was going through all of your blogs


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