The Ultimate Creation Of God - Women

The strongest and most beautiful creation by God is Women. He has made us with lots of qualities and to balance it he has given us lots of responsibilities as he thinks we can make it happen.

If you look at it, long long years back, there were women who used to enter the war field and fight like a true warrior. Women in old times in villages would do all the household chores and then go to the fields and help their husband with farming. And now in modern times there is no single thing which women cannot do. They have entered all the sectors. Doctors, Engineers, Artists, Business Entrepreneurs, Dancers, Singers, Actresses, Astronauts, Scientists, Architects, Executives, Chef, Beauticians, Teachers and what not. You name it and we have women in that sector.

We have achieved this because of the talent we have, the determination to do something and the dedication we give to our work. But not to forget there is important factor without which we would not have succeeded. The factor is SUPPORT. We got the support from Parents when we were kids. Gurus & Teachers guided us to the ladder of your dreams. Friends and Family encouraged us. Our Better Half trusted us. Kids holded our hands and never let us shiver. 

We are 'Women' because of them. Today 'Women's Day' is incomplete without them. Let your mind go to the rewind mode. Look for all of them. Not to forget, on this day Thank Them for believing in you.

This is one side of a Coin. Where there are women who have reached heights, there are also women who are still not allowed to dare to dream. They are not treated equal. They do not have the rights to study, to communicate with people. They are not even allowed to speak up in family matters. They are treated as slaves. 

To all such people I would say Grow Up. If you do not respect a women its a shame. To all the women who are still the victim of the society Stand for your Rights.

'Be The Women A Man Would Love, Parents Would Be Proud & Kids Would Care'. We can do this, as we are not just Women but 'Super Women'

Do let me have your feedback.

By: Forum Shah


  1. Agreed to all aspects of the blog, you always rock beautiful woman.....
    A thoughtful message for those who still think women's are their slaves and they are meant to remain hidden....

  2. Wow forum didi.. ut blogs rock..


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