I guess this is everyone's favourite topic and that is 'LOVE'. It is the most difficult thing to be written down, as this is something which can be felt rather than said. So is it that only if someone says 'I Love You', they do ? Or it need not be said. 'I Love You' can be felt ? What a big confusion. 

I feel 'Love' can be felt even if not said. Love is the most Purest feeling. Love has its own language. It has no limits, no rules, no age bar, no terms and conditions. And that's the Best part of it. Love is a connection. A place in your Heart for someone which cannot be replaced in any case. 

You may or may not be with that person. You may or may not have the name to your relation. You may or may not talk everyday. You may or you may not meet often. But still Love exists. 

You have them on your mind all the time, not only when you are free but even when you are busy. You start imagining them everywhere you go. While you shop around you feel they are guiding you to buy the best suitable outfit for you. You find them slowly coming out of the fog while jogging and telling you, 'Good Going'. You also find them at work, encouraging you and patting your back. In the cold cozy climate, you feel them around you hugging you with all the warmth. You find them while getting wet in the rain and then asking you for a coffee. You find them praising you when you pose at the mirror to take the last look after dressing up. You start smiling and blushing suddenly as you remember how they teased you, tickled you and made you laugh. You see them in the passing by car, you yell out and then realise that it was your imagination. You can listen to their voice even when you are only reading their message. You start thinking of things which never happened.

Your Love is someone whom you imagine in their absence, someone with whom you never get bored, someone who cares for you and you care for them, someone who is far away but always in your mind and heart, someone for whom you can wait a long way, someone who is the reason to your glow, someone for whom you always pray, someone whose betterment, success and happiness is the reason for your Smile and finally someone who comes to your Dreams.

While reading this, I am sure you all have a face constantly interrupting your thoughts. And that's Your Love my friends.

On this Valentine Day, express your Love to your LOVE. Just tell them, You are not allowed to leave. 

Do let me have your feedback.

By: Forum Shah


  1. Nice blog about love need yo reed again & again to understand deep meaning of your eazy wording. Keep it up

  2. This is what exactly I feel. I totally agree with you and hats off to your blog.

  3. So true😘 wonderful 😻

  4. This is so true.You spoke my heart out.

  5. Sooo sooo relatable, u actually get goosebumps reading every line of it
    Really appreciate your writing
    Waiting for more to come❤️��
    Happy valentine day

  6. Sooo sooo relatable, u actually get goosebumps reading every line of it
    Really appreciate your writing
    Waiting for more to come❤️��
    Happy valentine day

  7.'s interrupt while reading ur blog😛🙄

  8. nicely written!

    few points to ponder,

    with respect to 'instances/aspects' mentioned in the blog

    Real Love (not the care-version), is singular in nature.

    Not every person who meets one or many aspects written above is our 'love'
    Various people in our life, "touch" upon different spheres of our lives
    They are not to be treated with the same yardstick of 'romantic love'
    They have their own traits, unique relational aspects vis-a-vis us
    These special persons, "belong to us and we belong to them"

    Sense of belonging is a broad concept,
    where-in a certain set of close friends/relatives
    with whom we have super comfort zone
    they do have an impact on our minds & feelings with respect to some of instances/aspects mentioned in the blog above.

    One needs to differentiate and discern this dichotomy.


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