The Light Of Your Life

The title given is 'Right or Wrong'. My blogs will definitely make you think twice about what you do, how you behave and how you implement. You may or you may not agree with me. But my aim is to make Life Beautiful with less of worries and more of Joy. So I leave it on you whether its Right or Wrong. 

Life is not always good. It is not always stable. To live life happily is like listening to a Music. The whole song is in rhythm only with the lower and higher beats when played together. Similarly our life comes with ups and downs. Good days and bad days. Time to Smile and time to frown.

One needs to look forward in times of dry weather. And to look forward, one needs the Light. The ray of hope, the ray of positiveness, the ray of confidence, the ray of faith, the ray of contentment and the ray of happiness.

You get all this good vibes in the form of rays only if you have a good light. The light in your Life may be a goal, An Inspiration, God himself or say A person. You need to figure out who is the Light of your Life. You need to identify the Light which brings rays and soothes everything.

When you decide to reach a goal, you have an Aim in life, you know that you live for your dream to come true, then no lower beats can affect you. Your focus will never change even if you fall, your eyes will always be glued to your target.

In rough times you may shiver a bit, but if you have some inspiration it will help you stay firm. An inspiration from someone who started from a scratch and now have reached heights. From a person who is disabled but still earns his bread by working in a unique way. From someone who met with an accident and could not walk, but managed to still be happy. From a housewife who looks after the house for n number of hours without being paid. From the birds who picks up single twigs and finally makes up their nest. The Inspiration can be from anyone in our surroundings.

A few people may not believe in God. But I feel that is the strongest belief one could have. At times of dark nights you should have the faith in God that the Sun is going to Shine. The Sun will bring back all what you lost and all what you deserved. 

When you speak out to someone you feel relaxed. You feel as if your problem is half solved. The person may come up with a solution or not but they would surely come up with smiles all around. A person who best knows how to get you back on track. Someone whose presence mends things. Someone who directs you to the key.

Let the LIGHT allure you. If you have a Light of your own, there can be no darkness what so ever. You will surely wake up looking at the Light and for the Light.

Do let me know if I am Right or Wrong.

By: Forum Shah



  2. U r always right...
    Well written
    Keep it up

  3. U r always right
    Well written
    Keep it up

  4. Forum ,u r too good and I like ur positive attitude towards life,pls write more and share frequently,love to read ur write ups

  5. Nice write up.. positive though process.. good going


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