Gestures - An Expressive Communicating Tool

The title given is 'Right or Wrong'. My blogs will definitely make you think twice about what you do, how you behave and how you implement. You may or you may not agree with me. But my aim is to make Life Beautiful with less of worries and more of Joy. So I leave it on you whether its Right or Wrong. 

There are at times a few situations when we are just speechless. Sometimes we do not find the right word to express. A few moments when you can't express by words. But yes you definitely can express by Action. What you just speak out can be a proof. So at many times Action Works More Than Words.

The very First Gesture is Eye to Eye Contact. When in a meeting you are in an eye contact with your client, your customer, you tend to impress him proving that you are Confident. Further the positive approach from the client uplifts your confidence. When sitting around with your friend or family, if you look into the eyes and not into your phone, it makes them feel important. It builds up trust and eventually a good relation. 

At times when you try to console your mate, or your friend it is difficult to place right words in the right manner. But a mere Hand on Hand gesture makes it all. The more gently you hold the hand the more better the person feels. It helps to open up, share and talk more firmly without hesitation. 

Blink of an Eye with A Smile works wonders, simple and a commonly used gesture. You need not say a Yes, You need not say I agree, You need not say I am with you, You need not say you are Right, You need not have to accept that you care, You need not have to say OK. You need not let everyone know what you said. Just a Blink with a Smile and it conveys it all.

A Warm Hug, the most powerful gesture of all. May it be your friends, your Parents, your Kids, your Grandparents, Your Spouse, it is something which works with all age group. A hug from a friend says "I Love You", "I Missed You", "I Am Lucky To Have You In My Life". A Hug from Parents says "I Am Proud Of You My Child", "I Love To Spend Time With You", "I Am Always There To Watch You Succeed In Life". A hug from your Kids says, "I Always Adore You", "I Am In The Most Safest Arms", "No One Can Take Your Place". A hug from Grandparents says, "I Love You More Than My Kids", "You Are The Lightning Star Of Our Family". And Finally A Hug from your Spouse says, "I Love You For My Lifetime", "I Will Always Be With You".

If not by Words, with your Gestures do let your Loved ones know what you feel. Express. A sure shot solution to boost up your relation.

A Special Hug to all my Loved ones. Do let me know if I am Right or Wrong.

By: Forum Shah


  1. always....superb subject....May ur blog reach in right hand๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ™„

  2. Before two days u were searching subject fr this.....ND u got perfect right tym....right situation....๐Ÿค

  3. Very beautifully presented forum

    Very good
    Keep it up

    god bless

  4. Great topic-Greater effect and simply wonderful๐Ÿ‘Œ

  5. Right as always@ForamShah.... Gestures adds magic to life that beautifully helps you to shine everyday with flying colors....


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