How would you define TRUE Friends ?

Yes this is my first blog. The title given is 'Right or Wrong'. My blogs will definitely make you think twice about what you do, how you behave and how you implement. You may or you may not agree with me. But my aim is to make Life Beautiful with less of worries and more of Joy. So I leave it on you whether its Right or Wrong. 

My first blog is on some people who are very important to me. They are my Friends. I am very lucky to have a full blooming bunch of 'TRUE Friends'. Have you guys ever thought of what True Friends exactly are?  So lets say we have 3 categories of friends.

One whom we know, we invite them to our functions and parties and we also attend theirs. We call them twice thrice in a year. So basically they are the Hi hello types. This are Friends. 

Now coming to the second, this are the friends we roam around with, share our joys and sorrows.  We party together. We meet often. We very well know our families. This are the Good Friends.

Moving to the last but the most important. This are your friends whom you trust completely. You can share your darkest secrets with them. They are your shoulders when you are low. They are the curve of the smile you wear. You may or you may not meet them frequently, but when u do so the bond definitely rocks. They are like a rock which cannot be moved inspite of the hard sunlight or the heavy rains. You eagerly wait to tell them all the bits and parts of your life. They accept you the way you are. You can point out their mistakes and still take their side. The ones who are happy with your happiness, upset when you are sad and are on cloud nine when you succeed. The ones who understand the pain behind your Smile and the Concern behind the Anger. When the whole world would be against you, they would be with you. This I would say are your 'TRUE Friends'

Today while celebrating Friendships Day, do find your True Friend and more importantly Try to become a TRUE Friend. If you succeed in having a True Friend, believe me Life is Beautiful. You can find a True Friend in your friends, your brother, your sister, your parents or anyone you know. 

In the present time when you all are very busy with work and house, do take out some time and tell your friends how much you love them and make their day a memorable one & let me know if I am Right or Wrong

Happy Friendships Day to all my wonderful friends out there.

Post By - Forum Shah


  1. You always rock....
    My best wishes are always with you....
    Your loving darling....

  2. superb thoughts for the friends on a friendship day.... i agree for all three types of friends....

  3. Congratulations on your first blog..
    Awesome .. v nicely written.
    Happy friendships day

  4. U r very caring n n darsh loves ur creativity

  5. Forum didi... superb..
    congratulations on your first blog

  6. Superb thought
    Happy friendship day

  7. Waiting now fr yr next blog soon
    Enjoyed reading the 1st one

  8. Congratulations!!! On ur first blog.
    U r d best.
    Happy friendship day to u & jigar.

  9. Got gyan guruji!!!!! Any ways it's really good you started writing it's very power full tool to put you emotion on paper . Good luck to you

  10. Hi kaki I am Pratham.
    I loved this blog very much.
    It's correct that friends never apill out the beans which is led by our mouth. I love all your blogs.


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