
Showing posts from August, 2024

Learn the art of SELF LOVE

When it was last, you sat alone, thinking about none of your responsibilities. When was the last time you sat, relaxed, closed your eyes, and concentrated on yourself? Oh! You don't remember. Well, that's because it was not somewhere in the near past. The most forgotten task, and the last priority of many, is 'SELF'. And far away is 'SELF LOVE' The tree will grow and give fruit, but it needs time to go through the process. If the atmosphere is suitable, it has sufficient water and fertilizers, it will surely give good fruits. Similarly, a person can function, carry on the responsibilities, do the daily chores, spread love, and work efficiently only when one is refilled. Now, humans need to detox as well. If not, the human is surely going to lose its character, which will lead to failure. Hence, self-love should be mandatory. From the daily schedule, one must take out some time to rebuild oneself. Meditating and going deep down to understand the real self. One sh