
Showing posts from July, 2018

Attitude - A Lifetime Asset

I have seen so many people who fall in love. People who like someone. I have even seen people who are crazy about a particular person.  So for what is this love, liking, craziness. If you ask a guy who has just fallen for someone, the reply you get is 'She is beautiful'. If you ask a girl who likes a guy in her college, the answer you get is 'He is Handsome'. The craziness for a particular person is because he or she is socially popular for photos and selfies with best outfits. I feel to look good is very easy when it comes to now a days times when there are a bunch of excellent salons, parlours and designer boutique in town. May it be a boy or a girl, you enter the salon and you can get a completely different look. A new trendy hair cut with cool hair colours. Your straight hair can be curled and your curled hair can be straightened. With assurance you can get a fair complexion. With makeup it can be groomed. You ask for something and its done. You pay good and yo...