
Showing posts from June, 2018

Take Your Daily Dose And Stay Fit

I feel everyone is sick in some or the other way. I am not talking about any deadly disease or flu or cold. It is something more destructive. When one is ill in the real manner he/she has to take some daily medicines. So lets see what can be done about the sickness I am talking about. I have come across people who say my blog is in 'A Serious Mode'.. So today let me make it a bit light. I have given names to the sickness I am talking about  1. Jelousaria (Why do I don't have this when my Friend has one) 2. Lackoconfidenca (I wont be able to make it) 3. Moodostress (Work, Child, House, Money, Boss) 4. Overthinkography (What If... What will happen ?) 5. Negetiveamoeba (It will not happen, its not there, No, Not, Never) 6. Lazyguniya (Will do it tomorrow) 7. Dont Know Syndrome (I dont know... ) 8. Fearkins (If I will do this it will harm me)  So here are a few sickness which not only harms us physically but moreover mentally. Everyone reading this is caught with so...