Tell The Universe
I have come across many different types of people dealing differently with issues in life or say even good things in life. Some have the habit to keep it to themselves, some people are open book to all and some can share only with loved ones and special one s. One thing which I have observed when people share their sorrows and issues. There is one single thing which commonly goes for all. People tend to be negative. They focus so much on the negative part that they cant even see the positive rays. So here you go. So once you have the issue on your mind you tend to have the list of negative things which may happen. Now firstly say good bye to it. Throw it out of your mind. Think of the solution you want it your way. Tell it out to the Universe. Not the issues, not the matter, not the problems... Yell out to the universe what you want it to be. The solution which you thought of. What we give to the universe eventually comes back to us. Not with a doubt but with firm appeal. T...