
Showing posts from September, 2017

'SORRY' - Does it actually have its Real Value ?

The title given is  'Right or Wrong' . My blogs will definitely make you think twice about what you do, how you behave and how you implement. You may or you may not agree with me. But my aim is to make Life Beautiful with less of worries and more of Joy. So I leave it on you whether its Right or Wrong.  Sorry - A very simple and most commonly used word. So don't you all think it is used up too much, or you think it actually serves its purpose ? Have you ever thought, how many times in a day do you say Sorry. You may have. But you must have definitely not meant it all the time.  So lets make it simpler. We all have an habit to say Sorry immediately once something wrong happens by us. But this Sorry comes out more oftenly with small errors. Oh sorry I missed your call. Sorry I am late. Extremely Sorry I wont be able to come. Sorry, sorry I will pick up the mess. Here Sorry works up. It serves its purpose. It carries the weight.  In situations more serious. When...